What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Mint Tea Every Day 您所在的位置:网站首页 mint tea哪个国家 What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Mint Tea Every Day

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Mint Tea Every Day

2024-04-13 20:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Mint tea is a delightful and refreshing beverage, cherished by many across the world for its soothing aroma and invigorating flavor. Originating from the aromatic mint plant, this infusion not only stimulates your senses but also carries a suite of potential health benefits, from aiding digestion to providing relief from cold symptoms. 

“Mint" is actually a larger category of herbs that most commonly includes peppermint and spearmint,” says Melissa Azzaro, RDN, a New Hampshire-based registered dietitian nutritionist. Mint can be added to recipes, like our Lemon, Mint & White Bean Dip. But it can also be used to make tea, simply by submerging fresh or dried leaves in boiling water until brewed. Mint tea can be served hot or iced and sweet or unsweet. 

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Tea Every Day

But how good is it for you? If you enjoy mint tea, keep reading to learn about all the health perks of this uplifting sip.

Nutritional Profile of Mint Tea

Peppermint tea is virtually calorie-free. Mint leaves are also a natural source of a variety of essential nutrients, according to the USDA. This includes vitamins A and C. Because of this, mint tea can contain trace amounts of these nutrients, since whole mint leaves are a main ingredient in mint tea. (That said, mint tea is not considered a good source of any of these nutrients.)

Mint is also high in antioxidants, says Azzaro. Though, the one caveat is that eating mint leaves themselves will contain more antioxidants compared to steeped mint tea. 

One unique nutritional property of mint tea is its menthol content. This compound has been linked to various health benefits, such as soothing digestive issues and helping to alleviate headaches. 

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Mint Tea Every Day Digestive Health Benefits

Sipping on mint tea may offer digestive benefits, in part because of its menthol. This organic compound may have antispasmodic effects, meaning that it helps relax the muscles of the GI tract and facilitates a smoother and faster transit of food through your digestive system. Because of this, a 2023 study published in Current Pharmaceutical Design reported that components of peppermint may help relieve digestive distress for those who have irritable bowel syndrome. 

In addition, mint tea stimulates the flow of bile, according to Mount Sinai, which further aids in digestion by breaking down fats. That’s why it may be an especially good idea to sip mint tea after a meal.

Respiratory Health Benefits

While there is limited evidence suggesting that drinking mint tea will impact your respiratory health, inhaling menthol (a compound found in mint tea) may serve as a natural decongestant, potentially helping to break up phlegm and mucus, notes Mount Sinai. Moreover, mint tea's warm, moisture-rich properties can help in relieving dry cough and sore throat, providing some temporary comfort when you’re under the weather.

Mental Health Benefits 

The menthol found in mint tea is suspected to have a calming effect that aids in stress reduction and relaxation, suggests research in the Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology in 2021. Moreover, mint tea is said to stimulate the brain, improving focus and cognitive function. It's a natural, caffeine-free alternative that can help maintain mental alertness without triggering the jittery side effects associated with caffeine. However, scientific studies on these benefits are still ongoing, and more research is needed to confirm these perks.

Oral Health Benefits

Drinking mint tea can help freshen your breath, says Azzaro. Mint has antibacterial and antifungal effects, which may help support oral health. It's important to note that while mint tea may support oral health, it's not a substitute for regular brushing, flossing and dental check-ups. Further research is needed to fully understand the role mint may play in oral health.

Antimicrobial and Antiviral Properties

Interestingly, there is some early test tube evidence that mint tea has antiviral activity that’s effective against the virus that causes COVID, according to a 2022 study in BMC Biology. However, mint tea should not be considered as a standalone treatment for infections. It's key to remember that these properties may support the body's natural defenses, but they are not replacements for professional medical advice or treatment. 

Hormonal Benefits

Another notable aspect of mint tea, specifically spearmint tea, is its potential effect on hormone health. Spearmint has been studied for its anti-androgenic properties (androgens are hormones such as testosterone), which may be beneficial in managing hormone-related conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), according to research in 2020 in the Journal of Ovarian Research. Research in this area is scarce and still ongoing, and the tea should not be consumed as a replacement for prescribed treatments. Always consult a healthcare professional before incorporating it into a hormonal health therapy.

Iced Mint Green Tea Preparation and Consumption Tips

To prepare mint tea, follow these simple steps:

Boil water: Start by boiling a cup of water. The exact amount may vary depending on personal preference, but a general guideline is one cup of water per serving of tea.Prepare the mint: While the water is heating, gather a handful of fresh mint leaves. Rinse them thoroughly under cold running water. For a stronger mint flavor, you can gently bruise the leaves (by crumpling them in between your fingers, for instance) to release more of their essential oils. You can also use a prepared, dried loose-leaf or bagged mint tea.Steep the tea: Once the water has come to a boil, remove it from the heat. Place the mint leaves in a tea infuser or directly into the boiling water. Allow the leaves to steep for about 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how strong you prefer your tea. (If using a dried mint tea, steep according to package directions, about 5 minutes.)Strain and serve: If you've put the leaves directly into the water, strain the tea into a cup. You can sweeten your mint tea with honey or sugar if desired. Enjoy your homemade mint tea hot, or let it cool and serve it over ice for a refreshing iced tea.

Mint tea can be enjoyed in a variety of delightful ways. Here are some suggestions:

Hot mint tea: This is the classic way to enjoy mint tea. Simply serve the freshly steeped tea as is, allowing the steam and the aroma to create a soothing experience. Iced mint tea: A perfect refresher for warm days. Chill the freshly steeped tea in the refrigerator for a few hours, then serve over ice. Add a slice of lemon for an extra citrusy kick. Try this Green Jasmine-Mint Iced Tea with Lemon. Mint tea with honey: Sweeten your mint tea by stirring in a spoonful of honey. This not only adds a natural sweetness, but also enhances the mint flavor. Mint tea with lemon: Add a slice of lemon to your tea. The acidity of the lemon complements the mint, providing a refreshing and tangy twist. Mint tea latte: For a creamy twist, try turning your mint tea into a latte. Steep the tea in half the water, then add warmed milk of your choice. Spiced mint tea: Add a pinch of your favorite spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg to the freshly brewed tea. This gives your mint tea a warm, comforting dimension, perfect for colder days. Frequently Asked Questions: Is it good to drink mint tea everyday?

Drinking tea every day is a great addition to a healthy diet for most people, especially if it is replacing a sugary drink (like regular soda). While mint tea is generally considered safe for most people, excessive consumption may potentially lead to some negative effects. For instance, it may cause heartburn or an allergic reaction in some individuals. Also, despite its soothing effects on the digestive system, too much mint tea might exacerbate symptoms in people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Though mint tea is generally safe in pregnancy, it’s advised not to consume excessive amounts in early pregnancy, as it’s believed to stimulate menstruation, according to a research update published in Medeniyet Medical Journal. (Bottom line for everyone: Consume a moderate amount and connect with your doctor about your specific medical situation and concerns.) 

Does mint tea detox your body?

There is no one food or drink that will detox your body. However, adequate hydration–and mint tea can certainly contribute to that–will support proper kidney function so that toxins can be removed from the body through urine. Staying hydrated also promotes bowel regularity, another primary way the body expels toxins. 

Does mint tea burn belly fat?

No single food or drink will burn belly fat. Losing belly fat involves a combination of eating a balanced diet, regular exercise and lifestyle changes, such as adequate sleep. 

When should you not drink mint tea?

Mint tea is naturally caffeine-free, so you can enjoy it at any time of the day without worry that it will interfere with your sleep. In addition, when you feel as if you need a minty pick-me-up during the day, it’s a good time to steep a cup. 

Is mint tea good for kidneys and liver?

Interestingly enough, consuming large amounts of spearmint tea can contribute to kidney or liver damage if you have an existing kidney disorder or liver disease, according to the National Library of Medicine. Note that spearmint tea differs from other types of mint, like peppermint. As for peppermint, Mount Sinai notes that it can interfere with medications that are metabolized by the liver. If you’re taking medications, it’s helpful to ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you should limit mint tea. 

Bottom Line

Mint tea brings a plethora of potential health benefits, including digestive support and stress relief. However, it's essential to be mindful that you may want to avoid mint tea if you have certain medical conditions, so it’s best to talk to your doctor first. Otherwise, mint tea is a refreshing and enjoyable health-promoting beverage. Sip on.






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